Tuesday, March 11, 2014


going "home" isn't just driving across town, or even driving across the state.  going "home" for me means driving 11 hours.  for 1 person, it totally makes sense to just fly, but when the airport is 2 hours away and there's 2 of us, it just makes sense to drive.  luckily we have family a little more than halfway that we can stay with overnight before making the last leg of the trip, so it's not SO so bad, though we've done it before in 1 shot.

one of the good things about "going home" to my mom's house is that life seems to pick up where we left off.  of course things change, but our relationships with those at home feel the same.  while hung grew up in a totally different environment, i think he likes coming back with me too.  he still gets to cook (i mean, we're not just gonna STOP him from making delicious meals when he wants), and he gets to teach my mom the electronics of the 21st century (even streaming Pandora through Bluetooth on her Bose SoundLink Mini ).

on our last day home, hung made japanese curry and roasted asparagus with creamy lemon sauce (and afterwards we devoured some flour loves sugar cookies) before watching the Oscars, heading to bed and driving off in the morning.

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it's always such a good time when we go home, i just wish it wasn't SO far away...


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