Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 1 Detox in Review

I feel great.  End of story.  I didn't think I would make it through the first few days... but... now it's almost like I don't know any different.

(Well, haven't you only been doing this for 8 days?  8 days can't possibly change your life). 

Well, yes.  You are correct.  But when you are eating just fruits and veggies and nuts for SEVEN DAYS, those SEVEN DAYS feels like ETERNITY!! (until you get over that hump and it feels normal).

I think I will stick to a animal-protein-free, gluten-free diet for at least breakfast and lunch and just keep it to a minimum at dinner.  I like that I don't get a food coma in the afternoons after eating leftovers for lunch, and I like that I can get my day started right away without waiting for my first coffee to kick in (though I will continue to drink coffee on the weekends, ahhh it's so good!!)

Today was supposed to be my first day adding fish and legumes (fancy shmancy name for beans), though because I was in the field for work today, and because Mr P went out with a friend for beer and wings after work, I just extended my week 1 diet one more day.  I got home early, worked out, then met a friend in Hoboken for smoothies and a nice chat :D

Fancy shmancy fish dinner coming right up... tomorrow!

I had hoped to show our delicious fish dish tonight, but instead I will give you a sneak peak into my week 1 meals:

roasted veggies (new best friend)

sauteed green beans in Mr P's special "it tastes good, but i don't remember what i put in it" sauce

wooo... best smoothies EVER!  mango juice with banana and mango.  appropriately named "bango"

Wish me luck with Week 2 of the detox!  Hopefully we can post more recipes since I will be eating more real food :P
