after spending 3 wonderful weeks of holidays, holiday parties, traveling to see family, having visitors, lots of eating, lots of drinking, lots of being "on the go".... we're finally home. and back to normal life.
even though that scene above is what we were greeted with when we got off the train from newark airport (after coming from sunny and warm florida), there was a comforting feeling of being home. ...and i couldn't have cared less that it was cold, icy, and just plain gross outside.
the new year started last wednesday, but we've hardly had a chance to kick it off on the right foot until today. mr p is going to try to eat healthier, i'm starting the whole living 28-day challenge (the one from 2012 is the best one i think!!), and we're both going to commit to working out on a regular basis. the last 3 weeks have been ROUGH on us as far as going to kickboxing or the gym, but we're anxious to get back into it.
i know, i know... it's "so cliché" to say you're going to "start the new year by getting healthy", but hey.. any excuse to want to change your life for the better is a good excuse, right? right. i'll never knock on anyone for making new years resolutions to get healthier or shed those extra pounds... at least they are trying, right?
now that we're going to be at home for a while (at least a few weeks anyways), we filled the fridge with healthy veggies and fruit, lean meat for mr p, and healthy nuts. plus, almost the entire stash of holiday goodies have made their way inside our bellies, so there's not too much temptation of sweets and chocolate, there's only motivation for eating healthy because i know that it WAS there ONE day, and it's certainly not burned off of my body yet considering how much i ate and how little i worked out, haha.
happy new year everyone! here's for a healthy start to 2014!